Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Here goes nothing!

Welcome all!

I have decided to create this blog to help keep track of Rave's flyball training. Rave is a 6 month old black and white border collie from Hillcrest Border Collies, in Oregon. She came to me on April 23 and will be staying with me until she is fully trained in flyball. I really enjoy the training aspect of flyball so I can't wait to get down to business.

By keeping up with this blog it will keep me training daily and help me to keep track of things that worked for her and things that didn't. I'm hoping to post a lot of video and pictures of her progression. I invite feedback and suggestions of things that worked for you and your dog.

Every other week I am planning on teaching her a new trick. So get your thinking caps on because i'm sure I will need help coming up with some after the first few weeks.....

Keep you posted!!!!!!


  1. gorgeous picture, I will look forward to following her training, she sounds like a little ball of energy, bet she is going to be a ton of fun! ---Kathy from CA with my ball of energy cricket!

  2. Good job Lindsy, we will enjoy reading about Rave's adventures!

  3. Yes, document exactly what you are doing so I can totally steal your ideas and use them with Wixer! If he looks half as good as Ninja then it'll be a win!

  4. wow...I am impressed, can't way to see the progress.

  5. That that cute little girl. :-) That picture was from a rare moment when she was actually laying still.
    I am excited to read about her progress and see pics and vids of cutie patootie.

  6. YAY! Now the pressure will be on to keep up with the blog updates for all of us followers!

  7. Good luck, we will be watching with great interest. We have a 1 year old BC we are training as well
