Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We've had a break through!!!!

After playing countless numbers of tug games we've had a break through!!!!! Rave picked up the tug on her own tonight and carried it around the house!!!!! Who would have thought such a little thing like that would make my night but holy hell, i was pumped!!!! Poor Ninja... She wants to tug on everything that he puts in his mouth... which is fine until its not very big... hes taken a few good bites for the team!

After Rave picked up the tug and followed me around the house for a bit, i dared to pick it up.... and she continued to hang on!! What a good girl! even gave me a good growl or two! I pretty much immediately let go... The one thing to know, when trying to get a dog to tug... always let them win the game.. if you always played a game you couldn't win would you want to continue playing? So i tried it again, after she won she got to run around the house carrying the tug and as soon as she ran by me i grabbed it, and she let go... DAMN! Time to break out the good ol' Ninja boy... As soon as he hit that tug she wanted nothing more than to tug with him... Go figure! But because we had success with her tugging with me i figured this would be a good time to get her tug with him. While they were tugging, i spent the time whacking them on there sides and clapping and hissing like a snake to get ninja more into it and to get her used to some rough tugging... at first she was a little sensitive about me slapping her sides, but she quickly picked it up! I would also put my hand in the middle of them on the tug so it appeared as though she was only tugging with me... the second i thought she was going to let go i would drop the tug and Ninja would get her going again... like i said... its the baby steps in life! Second thing when tugging! Keep the baby wanting more! Rip the tug out of there mouth and put it away... somewhere they can't have it anymore... short sessions are key!

Next blog i will go into detail some tug games we play!!!!

Keep you posted...

Lyndsy and Rave!

1 comment:

  1. w00t! That is awesome. I actually had the reverse issue this weekend at my sister's house. One of her Boston Terriers wanted to tug with Wixer but he would let go unless someone had their hand in the middle so he thought he was tugging with the person.
